ECDL frequently asked questions

List of questions

Built around a modern, practical syllabus, the European Computer Driving Licence is attractive to students of all ages and to employees and employers alike. This is a qualification that not only recognises the increasing importance of computing to all walks of life, but is also set to become recognised by the wider business and educational worlds.

The British Computer Society (BCS) is responsible for the deployment of ECDL in the UK and we are working with the NCC Education Services Ltd to establish an initial national network of test centres and an automated test vehicle for ECDL. There will be 22 accredited test centres operational from 1st September 1997.

We are encouraging a wide range of colleges and training providers to develop and put on courses leading to the award of the ECDL certificate. The syllabus is available from the BCS.

Establishments may wish to make advance preparations in order to put on courses for the first wave of the implementation of ECDL. Alternatively you may have a personal interest in the ECDL licence. The BCS will be promoting the ECDL to potential end users via employer associations, professional institutions, trade associations, government agencies and educational establishments later this year.

What is the ECDL? The European Computer Driving Licence is the first pan-European Union qualification in personal computing skills. It is not designed specifically for Information Systems professionals - rather it is for those who wish to gain a basic qualification in computing to help them with their current job, to help them grow their skills and enhance career prospects or just for general interest.
How can I find out more about the ECDL? Activities relating to the ECDL in the UK are co-ordinated by the British Computer Society. The BCS can provide:
How can I
contact the BCS?
Telephone: (01793) 417424
Fax: (01793) 480270

British Computer Society
1 Sanford Street
Swindon, SN1 1HJ

Also see the BCS web pages:

How does a student get a Log Book? The issue of Log Books is controlled by the BCS and they can always be obtained from the BCS. Some Training Providers and Testing Centres will also issue Log Books
As a Training Provider how do I obtain Log Books? Contact the BCS for details on bulk purchase orders:

Telephone: (01793) 417424
Fax: (01793) 480270

British Computer Society
1 Sanford Street
Swindon, SN1 1HJ

How do I get an ECDL syllabus? The ECDL Syllabus is issued and controlled by the BCS from whom copies can be obtained. They can be purchased from the BCS. The syllabus contains information on the seven modules of the ECDL which are:
What training does a student have to undertake? Students are not required to do any training. If they are already sufficiently experienced they can purchase a Log Book and start to take the required tests. In general, people will have a range of knowledge and experience and many will want to undergo training for the areas where their background is inadequate. Training Providers will offer a range of courses designed to cover individual needs.
What tests does the student have to take? Students will need to take a test for each of the seven modules required for ECDL (unless they can claim exemption from one or more of them). Each test will have to be conducted by an accredited Testing Centre and - when successful in a given test - the centre will register this in the Log Book.
Can students claim exemption from any of the tests? Under certain circumstances it is possible to claim exemption from one or more of the seven tests. In these circumstances it is necessary to present evidence of eligibility for exemption together with the Log Book to an accredited Test Centre. The Log Book will then be marked appropriately to show which of the tests do not have to be taken.
What happens when all tests have been passed? When a student has passed all the tests or had valid exemptions recorded in their Log Book they can exchange their Log Book for an ECDL Licence which is proof of having reached the necessary standard. The completed Log Book must be sent to the BCS who will issue a personal, unique ECDL Licence.
What will it
cost students?
There are two elements of the ECDL which necessarily involve a charge. These are:

In addition there are other components which involve charges but not everyone will necessarily incur them. These are:

How can a Training Provider become an accredited Test Centre? Organisations can be accredited as ECDL test centres by the BCS or NCC Education Services Ltd. The only automated test vehicle currently approved for use by ECDL Test Centres is the one provided by NCC although it is expected that other automated test software will be developed and approved at a later stage.

Test centre accreditation and testing vehicle:

Nathan Bentley
Business Development Manager - Europe
Tel: (0161) 438 6203