

The group members | European State Sites | General European Sites

International Sites | Occupations | Projects | FIM




What we have and want to do is to browse through the Web and to find (or even try to find) all Webpages concerning Teleworking within the states of the EU. This means to find out whatever projects there are, which firms already have teleworkers or intend to establish telework. But this shouldn´t be the only important aspect. The other or even more important aspect of this topic should be to find out which jobs can be carried out by teleworking. That means where can telework be used instead of the traditional working in the office.



So if you are interested in our topic, if you want to know something more special about it or if you have a tip for us, don´t be shy and contact us !


The group members | European State Sites | General European Sites

International Sites | Occupations | Projects | FIM