![]() |
Forschung - Research |
Sicherheit ist keine rein
technische Frage,
sondern muss holistisch und in einem größeren
Kontext gesehen werden, wobei eine
Balance zwischen Grundlagen und praktischer Umsetzung ein Leitsatz des
Institutes ist. Essentielle Elemente und Schwerpunkte sind daher:
Adaptive Support for Collaborative e-Learning (ASCOLLA) (1.1.2008 - 31.12.2010) Adaptive Learning Spaces (ALS) (1.10.2006 - 31.12.2009) WeLearn
jCapt SAT 1.01 BETA - SAT is designed to help NT administrators to obtain a user-oriented view of permissions in the NT 4 file system. A new version for Windows 2000, which also supports the Active Directory Tree is under construction. This project was co-funded by Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK Integrating Agents into Teleteaching-Webportals - The main issues in the project are the integration of agents into web portals for teleteaching, implementing agent-based support for coaching processes, identifying security issues particular to this combination, and evaluating this use with regard to acceptance and utility for learners and teachers. In addition to this, legal aspects of teleteaching web portals in general and those arising from combining them with agents in particular (data protection, liability for acts of agents, copyright, links) will be investigated in this project. (1.10.2002 - 31.12.2005) Visualisierung zum Objektorientierten Denken - Object orientation is an important approach to solve problems not only in computer science, but also in everyday´s life. With the aid of visualisation and interactive software a better understanding of such thinking structures should be conveyed to make recognition, understanding and modelling of autonomous systems a matter of course. The tool to be developed should provide a visualized and easy access to this way of thinking. (2002 - 2005) CodedDrag
Version 2.4 (Shell Extension for Data Encryption) - CodedDrag includes
encryption functionality in your desktop. Files and folders can be
easily encrypted and decrypted by using the well-known operations like
Drag, Drag-and-Drop or the context menu. Download a fully functional
time-limited version of CodedDrag now! Intelligent Agents - A framework for mobile agents, where agents can securely move from one host to the other and are protected from each other, as well as the host from the agents. This framework is improved for communication with XML-based messages and facilities for actual payment by agents (E-cash, credit-card numbers) (1.10.1999 - 31.12.2001) Abatec Golftrainer - The main goal of this cooperation between FIM and Abatec electronics was the development of a software package to record and analyse tracking data from a golf swing. The hardware for tracking the swing was developed by Abatec electronics. Pow! - Programmers Open Workbench - Programming in Oberon-2 - Pow! ist eine kostenlose Softwareentwicklungsoberfläche, die vor allem für Studenten und Schüler entwickelt wurde. Sie ist einfach zu bedienen und verfügt neben einer Projektverwaltung über die Möglichkeit, verschiedene Programmiersprachen und Compiler einzubinden. Zurzeit unterstützt Pow! die Programmiersprachen Oberon-2, Java, C und C++. Transport semantischer Information in der Programmvisualisierung - Mit Pow! wurde ein Prototyp eines Visualisierungswerkzeug implementiert, mit dem man objektorientierte Programme zur Laufzeit visualisieren kann. Zur Visualisierung von Objekten wird der dynamische Typ der beobachteten Objekte zur Laufzeit ermittelt und anhand des dynamischen Typs eine passende Darstellung ausgewählt. Neben einfachen Objekten können auch komplexe Datenstrukturen wie zum Beispiel Bäume und Graphen visualisiert werden. Außerdem ist es auf einfache Weise möglich, neue Darstellungen durch Ableitung vorhandener Visualisierungsklassen zu erstellen. Dadurch ist die Visualisierung sehr leicht erweiterbar. (Paper: Euromicro 1999 in Mailand und Euromicro 2000 in Maastricht) (1.6.1997 - 31.5.2000) Teleworking / Telecommuting - The Teleworking project aims at a better understanding of flexible forms of work, like working from home or a satellite office, but also of mobile work. (1996 - 1998) APPLAUD - APPLAUD is an acronym for "A Programme for People to Learn at University-Level at a Distance". Key objectives of APPLAUD: co-operation between different teacher education institutions in Europe, ODL techniques, open and distance learning products (1.9.1996 - 31.8.1998)
Prof. Dr. Dieter Gollmann (TU Hamburg-Harburg) - "Standards und Sicherheitsspezifikationen", Informatik-Kolloquium (18. 12. 2009) Prof. Dr. Vladimir A. Oleshchuk (University of Agder, Grimstad, Norwegen) - "Application of finite model checking for analysis of security and safety related properties", Informatik-Kolloquium (15. 10. 2008) o. Univ. Prof. Dr. Hermann Maurer - "Googeln statt denken?", Linzer Campus-Gespräch (10. 6. 2008) Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Schabus - "Writing Secure Code - Fundamentals (Security ist auch eine Developerthematik)", Informatik-Kolloquium (24.6.2004) o.Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hermann Maurer - "Mögliche Szenarien für den PC der nahen Zukunft und die Bedeutung für unser Leben", Informatik-Kolloquium (9.10.2003) Dipl.-Ing. Marcel Weinand - "Regelbasierte Informationsflusssteuerung - Modell einer benutzerfreundlichen Sicherheitsarchitektur"; Informatik-Kolloquium (8.4.2003) Prof. Dr. Rafael Corchuelo (University of Sevilla) - "A World of Components"; Informatik-Kolloquium; (12.10.2000) Prof. Roland Ibbett (University of Edinburgh) - "Visualisation Techniques in Computer Architecture"; Informatik-Kolloquium; (4.4.2000) Dr. Gerhard Eschelbeck - "Active Security - A Proactive Approach for Computer Security Systems"; Informatik-Kolloquium; (3.4.2000) Prof. Manuel I. Capel-Tunón (University of Granada) - "Communicating threads and processes" (an approach to reliable parallel programming in Java); Informatik-Kolloquium; (2.12.1999) |
Multimediawerke und der Rechtsschutz technischer Schutzmaßnahmen im Urheberrecht. JusIT 2, 2014, 41-45 (ISSN 1996-8228) Die EU-Richtlinie über Angriffe auf Informationssysteme. JusIT 1, 2014, 8-14 (ISSN 1996-8228) Cheats aus rechtlicher Sicht. In: Erich Schweighofer, Franz Kummer, Walter Hötzendorfer (Eds.): Transparenz. Wien: OCG 2014, 683-692ISBN 978-3-85403-302-8) ( Das individuelle Gesetzbuch - Open Government Data aus dem RIS. In: E. Schweighofer, M. Handstanger, H. Hoffmann, F. Kummer, E. Primosch, G. Schefbeck, G. Withalm (Eds.): Zeichen und Zauber des Rechts. Festschrift für Friedrich Lachmayer. Bern: Editions Weblaw 2014, 403-426 (ISBN 978-3-906029-89-4)
Michael Sonntag: Learning Security through Insecurity.
Michael Sonntag: Evidence Collection for
Critical Infrastructure. Michael Sonntag: Entscheidungsbesprechung OGH 6 ObA 86/12y: Zum Werkbegriff "Computerprogramm". JusIT2, 2013, 53f (ISSN 1996-8228) Was ist ein "Computerprogramm" im Urheberrecht? In: Erich Schweighofer, Franz Kummer, Walter Hötzendorfer (Eds.): Abstraktion und Applikation. Wien: OCG 2013, 569-576 (ISBN 978-3-85403-292-2) :
Katharina Pabel, Michael Sonntag: E-Voting bei ÖH-Wahl gesetzwidrig. ZTR - Zeitschrift für Energie- und Technikrecht 3/2012, 2012, 175-184 (ISSN 224-6819) Michael Sonntag, Rudolf Hörmanseder - Informatik: Von Anfang an. Festschrift für Jörg R. Mühlbacher. Linz: Trauner Verlag 2012; ISBN 978-3-99033-058-6 (2012) Michael Sonntag - Die Spuren der Nutzung von Web-Browsern. In: Michael Sonntag, Rudolf Hörmanseder (Hrsg.) - Informatik: Von Anfang an. Festschrift für Jörg R. Mühlbacher. Linz: Trauner Verlag 2012, pp 159-171, ISBN 978-3-99033-058-6 (2012) Rudolf Hörmanseder: Ein Aufsatz über Jörg R. Mühlbacher, 30 Jahre Institutschef und Vorgesetzter. Der Weg vom Dienstvorgesetzten zum Freund. In: Michael Sonntag, Rudolf Hörmanseder (Hrsg.) - Informatik: Von Anfang an. Festschrift für Jörg R. Mühlbacher. Linz: Trauner Verlag 2012, pp 5-10, ISBN 978-3-99033-058-6 (2012) Michael Sonntag - Informationstechnologie: Grundlagen. In: Dietmar Jahnel, Peter Mader, Elisabeth Staudegger (Hrsg.) (Eds.): IT-Recht. Wien: Verlag Österreich 2012, pp. 1-41 (ISBN 978-3-7046-6241-5) Christian Praher - Towards Working Set Based Approximation of Least Privilege Principle for Operating Systems. In: Petr Doucek, Gerhard Chroust, Václav Oskrdal (Eds.): IDIMT-2012. ICT Support for Complex Systems. Linz: Universitätsverlag Rudolf Trauner 2012, pp. 101-108 (ISBN 978-3-99033-022-7) Michael Sonntag - Automating Web History Analysis. In: Petr Doucek, Gerhard Chroust, Václav Oskrdal (Eds.): IDIMT-2012. ICT Support for Complex Systems. Linz: Universitätsverlag Rudolf Trauner 2012, pp. 313-323 (ISBN 978-3-99033-022-7) M.A. Habib - Mutually exclusive permissions in RBAC. In: Int. J. Internet Technology and Secured Transactions, Vol. 4, Nos. 2/3, 2012, pp. 207 - 220 (2012) König, F., Paramythis, A.: Adaptive
Collaboration Scripting with IMS LD. In: Daradoumis, T., Demetriadis,
S. N., Xhafa, F. (eds.) Intelligent Adaptation and Personalization
Techniques in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning. SCI 408, pp
47-84. Springer-Verlag Berlin / Heidelberg (2012), ISBN
978-3-642-28585-1. Download:
http://www.springerlink.com/content/m5tv0mp7h22x42wn/ Der Nachweis von Inhalten im Internet. In: Erich Schweighofer, Franz Kummer, Walter Hötzendorfer (Eds.): Transformation juristischer Sprachen. Wien: OCG 2012, 131-139 (ISBN 978-3-85403-288-5) -
Michael Sonntag - Impact of Legal Regulation of Technological Developments on Competitiveness; in: Doucek Petr, Chroust Gerhard, Oskrdal Vaclav (Eds.): IDIMT-2011, Interdisciplinarity in Complex Systems, 19th Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks, Sept. 7-9, 2011, Jindrichuv Hradec, Czech Republic, pp. 131 - 139, ISBN 978-3-85499-873-0, Trauner Verlag (2011) Michael Sonntag - Technische Schutzmaßnahmen bei Verbindungen von Computerprogrammen mit anderen Werkarten; JusIT3, 2011, pp. 85-89, ISSN 1996-8228 (2011) Jörg R. Mühlbacher - Betriebssysteme - Grundlagen; 2. Auflage; Linz: Trauner Verlag 2011; ISBN 978-3-85499-843-3 (2011) Michael Sonntag - Zur Urheberrechtlichen Zulässigkeit von Screen Scraping; in: Erich Schweighofer, Franz Kummer (Eds.): Europäische Projektkultur als Beitrag zur Rationalisierung des Rechts; Wien: OCG 2011, pp. 141-148, ISBN 978-3-85403-278-6 (2011) Michael Sonntag - Von der Semantik zur Syntax und wieder zurück: Testen Juristischer Modelle; in: A. Geist, C. R. Brunschwig, F. Lachmayer, G. Schefbeck (Eds.): Strukturierung der Juristischen Semantik - Structuring Legal Semantics; Festschrift für Erich Schweighofer; Bern: Editions Weblaw 2011, pp. 271-286, ISBN 978-3-905742-80-0 (2011) Michael Sonntag - Group Learning Histories for Wikis; Journal of Systems Integration, Vol 2, No 1, pp. 3-11, ISSN 1804-2724 (2011) M.A.
Habib -
Role inheritance with object-based DSD. In: Int. J. Internet
Technology and Secured Transactions, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp.
149–160 (2011)
R. Hörmanseder - Computernetzwerke - Grundlagen; Linz, Trauner Verlag 2010, ISBN 978-3-85499-788-7 (2010) F.
König and A. Paramythis - Closing
the Circle: IMS LD Extensions for Advanced Adaptive Collaboration
Support. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International
Workshop on Adaptive Systems for Collaborative Learning in the context
of the International Conference on Intelligent Networking and
Collaborative Systems (INCoS 2010), Thessaloniki, Greece, IEEE Computer
Society, pp. 421-426, ISBN 978-0-7695-4278-2/10 (2010) F. König and A. Paramythis - Collaboration Contexts, Services, Events and Actions: Four Steps Closer to Adaptive Collaboration Support in IMS LD. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems (INCoS 2010), Thessaloniki, Greece, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 145-152, ISBN 978-0-7695-4278-2/10 (2010) Mirjam Köck, Alexandros Paramythis - Towards Adaptive Learning Support on the Basis of Behavioural Patterns in Learning Activity Sequences. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems (INCOS 2010), Thessaloniki, Greece. IEEE Computer Society, pp. 100-107, ISBN 978-0-7695-4278-2/10 (2010) Michael Sonntag - Group-Adaptive
Personal Learning History. In: Petr Doucek, Gerhard Chroust,
Vaclav Oskrdal (Eds.): IDIMT-2010. 18th Interdisciplinary Information
Management Talks. Linz: Universitätsverlag Rudolf Trauner
2010, pp. 367-375, ISBN 978-3-85499-760-3, (2010) Florian König, Alexandros Paramythis - Towards
Improved Support for Adaptive Collaboration Scripting in IMS LD. In: M.
Wolpers et al. (Eds.): European Conference on Technology Enhanced
Learning 2010 (EC-TEL), Barcelona, Spain, LNCS 6383, pp.
197–212. Berlin Heidelberg 2010, ISBN 978-3-642-16020-2,
Publication on SpringerLink (2010)
Michael Sonntag - Der Schutz technischer Sicherheitsmaßnahmen im UrhG. in: Sonja Gögele, Kaja Unger (Eds.): IT-Sicherheit aus rechtlicher, wirtschaftlicher und technologischer Perspektive; Graz: FH Johanneum 2010, pp. 107-121, ISBN 3-902103-23-X (2010) Michael Sonntag - Computerprogramme:
Investition für geschützte Datenbanken? in:
Erich Schweighofer, Anton Geist, Ines Staufer (Eds.): Globale
Sicherheit und proaktiver Staat - Die Rolle der Rechtsinformatik; Wien:
OCG 2010, pp. 399-406, ISBN 978-3-85403-259-5 (2010)
Muhammad Asif Habib, Christian Praher - Object based dynamic separation of duty in RBAC. In: Internet Technology and Secured Transactions, ICITST 2009. London UK, pp. 512 - 516, 9 - 12. Nov. 2009, ISBN 0-9546628-2-2 (2009) Michael Sonntag - Generating Cases for E-Learning; in: Guido Governatori (Eds.): Legal Knowledge and Information Systems; Jurix 2009: The Twenty-Second Annual Conference; Amsterdam: IOS Press 2009, pp. 172-181, ISBN 978-1-60750-082-7 (2009) Lex van Velsen, Florian König, Alexandros Paramythis - Assessing the Effectiveness and Usability of Personalized Internet Search through a Longitudinal Evaluation; in: S. Weibelzahl, J. Masthoff, A. Paramythis and L. van Velsen (Eds.): Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on User-Centred Design and Evaluation of Adaptive Systems, held in conjunction with the International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP2009), Trento, Italy, June 26th 2009, pp. 44-53; CEUR Workshop Proceedings, ISSN 1613-0073, online CEUR-WS.org/Vol-462/paper5.pdf (2009) Michael Sonntag - Exercise generation by group models for autonomous web-based learning; in: (Eds.): 35th EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA) 2009; Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society 2009, pp. 57-63, ISBN 978-0-7695-3784-9 (2009) Michael Sonntag - Boundaries of Openness in the IT area; in: Gerhard Chroust, Petr Doucek, Vaclav Oskrdal (Eds.): IDIMT 2009. 17th Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks; Linz: Universitätsverlag Rudolf Trauner 2009, pp. 379-389, ISBN 978-3-85499-624-8 (2009) Michael Sonntag - Die Beurteilung der urheberrechtlichen Schutzfähigkeit von Computerprogrammen; JusIT 4, 2009, pp. 125-131, ISSN 1999-8228 (2009) Florian König, Lex van Velsen, Alexandros Paramythis - Finding My Needle in the Haystack: Effective Personalized Re-ranking of Search Results in Prospector. In: Tommaso Di Noia and Francesco Buccafurri (Eds.): E-Commerce and Web Technologies, 10th International Conference, EC-Web 2009, Linz, Austria, September 2009, Proceedings, pp.312-323, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009, ISBN 978-3-642-03963-8, Publication on SpringerLink. (2009) David Hauger - Using Asynchronous Client-Side User Monitoring to Enhance User Modeling in Adaptive E-Learning Systems". In: UMAP 09: Adaptation and Personalization for Web 2.0; Trento, Italy, (2009) David Hauger - Enhancing User Models by Client-Side User-Monitoring. In: UMAP 09: Doctoral Consortium; Trento, Italy, (2009) David Hauger and Lex Van Velsen - Analyzing Client-Side Interactions to Determine Reading Behavior. In: ABIS 09 - Adaptivity and User Modeling in Interactive Systems; Darmstadt, Germany, (2009) Mirjam Köck - Towards Intelligent Adaptive E-Learning Systems - Machine Learning for Learner Activity Classification. In: ABIS 09 - Adaptivity and User Modeling in Interactive Systems; Darmstadt, Germany, (2009) Jörg R. Mühlbacher, Christian Praher - DS RBAC - Dynamic Sessions in Role Based Access Control; in: Journal of Universal Computer Science, Vol. 15, Issue 3, pp. 538-554, ISSN 0948-695x (2009) Jörg R. Mühlbacher - Betriebssysteme - Grundlagen; Linz: Trauner Verlag 2009; ISBN 978-3-85499-591-3 (2009)
Schönböck, J., König, F., Kotsis, G., Gruber, D., Zaim, E., Schmidt, A.: MirrorBoard – An Interactive Billboard. In: Herczeg, M. and Kindsmüller,M.C. (eds.) Mensch & Computer 2008: Viel Mehr Interaktion. pp. 207–216. Oldenbourg Verlag, Lübeck, Germany (2008) Köck M. - Computational Intelligence for Communication and Cooperation Guidance in Adaptive E-Learning Systems; in: M. Hartmann, D. Krause, A. Nauerz (Eds.): ABIS 2008 - Adaptivity and User Modeling in Interactive Systems, pp. 32-34; LWA 2008 Workshop-Woche, 6.- 8.Oktober 2008, Würzburg; University of Würzburg, Germany (2008) Paramythis, A., Mühlbacher, J. R. - Towards New Approaches in Adaptive Support for Collaborative E-Learning; in: Proceedings of the The Eleventh IASTED International Conference on Computers and Advanced Technology in Education (CATE 2008), September 29 – October 1, 2008, Crete, Greece; Acta Press Calgary; ISBN 978-0-88986-767-3 (2008) Sonntag, M., Paramythis, A. - Adaptive Feedback for Legal E-Learning. in: Proceedings of the special track "Computer-based Knowledge & Skill Assessment and Feedback in Learning Settings" at the International Conference on Comupter-Aided Learning, 24-26 September 2008, Villach, Austria, Kassel University Press 2008; ISBN 978-3-89958-353-3 (2008) Paramythis, A., Cristea, A. - Towards Adaptation Languages for Adaptive Collaborative Learning Support; in: Proceedings of the Workshop on "Individual and Group Adaptation in Collaborative Learning Environments", held in conjunciton with the Third European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning Maastricht (ECTEL 2008), The Netherlands, September 17-19 2008. CEUR Workshop Proceedings Vol. 384 (2008) Paramythis, A., König, F., Schwendtner, C., van Velsen, L. - Using thematic ontologies for user- and group- based adaptive personalization in web searching; in: Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval (AMR'2008), 26-27 June 2008, Berlin, Germany (2008) Paramythis, A. - Adaptive Support for Collaborative Learning with IMS Learning Design: Are We There Yet? in: Proceedings of the Workshop on Adaptive Collaboration Support, held in conjunction with the 5th International Conference on Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems (AH'08), 29 July - 1 August 2008, Hannover, Germany; pp. 17 - 29 (2008) David Hauger - Fine-grained user models by means of asynchronous web technologies; in: M. Hartmann, D. Krause, A. Nauerz (Eds.): ABIS 2008 - Adaptivity and User Modeling in Interactive Systems, pp. 17 - 19; LWA 2008 Workshop-Woche, 6.- 8.Oktober 2008, Würzburg; University of Würzburg, Germany (2008) Najmus
Saqib Malik, Friedrich Kupzog, Michael Sonntag
- Domain-based
Security for Mobile Agents;
in: INDIN 2008 (2008)
David Hauger and Mirjam Köck - State of the art of adaptivity in e-learning platforms; in: Alexander Hinneburg (Ed.): LWA 2007: Lernen - Wissen - Adaption; Halle, Workshop Proceedings, pages 355–360. Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany, 24.-26. September, 2007; ISBN 978-3-86010-907-6 (2007) Michael
Sonntag -
IS/ICT security and privacy; in: Christoph Hoyer, Gerhard
Chroust (Eds.): IDIMT-2007. 15th Interdisciplinary Information
management Talks; pp. 13-26; Linz:
Universitätsverlag Rudolf Trauner 2007;
ISBN 978-3-85499-256-1
(2007) Michael
Sonntag -
Juristische Übungen mit direktem Feedback; in:
Erich Schweighofer, Anton Geist, Gisela Heindl (Eds.): 10 Jahre IRIS:
Bilanz und Ausblick;
Tagungsband des 10. Internationalen Rechtsinformatik Symposions IRIS
2007; pp. 450-459; Stuttgart:
Boorberg 2007; ISBN
978-3-415-03962-9 (2007) Jörg R. Mühlbacher, Andreas Putzinger - Entwicklungsgeschichtliche Analogien zwischen Programmiersprachen und Lernplattformen; in: Bernad Batinic, Alfons Koller, Hermann Sikora (Eds.): E-Learning, digitale Medien und lebenslanges Lernen; pp. 3-11; Linz: Universitätsverlag Rudolf Trauner 2007; ISBN 978-3-85499-300-1 (2007) Andreas Putzinger - Upcoming Privacy Issues in Asynchronous Adaptive Hypermedia Systems; in: Hoyer, Christoph, Chroust, Gerhard, Doucek, Petr (Eds.): IDIMT-2007; 15th Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks Linz: Universitätsverlag Rudolf Trauner 2007; ISBN 978-3-85499-256-1 (2007) Andreas Putzinger - Towards Asynchronous Adaptive Hypermedia: An Unobtrusive Generic Help System; in: Proceedings of the 15th Workshop on Adaptivity and User Modeling in Interactive Systems (ABIS 2007), held in the context of Lernen-Wissensentdeckung-Adaptivität 2007 (LWA 2007), University of Hildesheim, Hildesheim, Germany, September 24-26, 2007; ISBN: 978-3-86010-907-6 (2007)
Michael Sonntag - Rechtsschutz für Ontologien; in: Erich Schweighofer, Doris Liebwald, Mathias Drachsler, Anton Geist (Eds.): e-Staat und e-Wirtschaft aus rechtlicher Sicht; Tagungsband des 9. Internationalen Rechtsinformatik Symposions IRIS 2006, pp. 418-425; Stuttgart: Boorberg 2006; ISBN 3-415-03767-3 (2006) Michael Sonntag - IS/ICT security in the newly forming society; in: Hoyer, Christoph, Chroust, Gerhard (Eds.): IDIMT-2006; 14th Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks, pp. 19-33; Linz: Universitätsverlag Rudolf Trauner 2006; ISBN 3-85499-049-9 (2006) Michael Sonntag - Syntax and Semantics of Learning Object Metadata - The IEEE/IMS LOM and Beyond; in: Alex Koohang, Keith Harman (Eds.): Learning Objects: Theory Praxis, Issues, and Trends, pp. 417-506; IS Press 2006; ISBN 83-922337-6-X (2006) Christian Schwendtner, Florian König, Alexandros Paramythis - Prospector: An adaptive front-end to the Google search engine; in: Proceedings of the 14th Workshop on Adaptivity and User Modeling in Interactive Systems (ABIS 2006), held in the context of Lernen-Wissensentdeckung-Adaptivität 2006 (LWA 2006), University of Hildesheim, Hildesheim, Germany, October 9-11, 2006, pp. 56-61; ISSN: 0941-3014 (2006) Andreas Putzinger, Livia Szedmina - The Application of `WeLearn`; in Language Teaching; in: Proceedings of the 4th Serbian-Hungarian Joint Symposium on Intelligent Systems (SISY 2006), 29.-30.9.2006, Subotica (Serbia), pp. 527-538, Budapest Tech 2006, ISBN 963 7154 50 7 (2006) Jörg R. Mühlbacher, Andreas Putzinger - Die WeLearn Plattform; Linz: Trauner Verlag 2006; ISBN 3-85499-061-8 (2006) Jörg R. Mühlbacher, Günter Pilz, Marcel Widi - Mathematik explorativ - Ausgewählte Kapitel der Algebra, Zahlentheorie und Graphentheorie für Anwendungen in der Informatik; Linz: Trauner Verlag 2006; ISBN 3-85499-070-7 (2006) Michael Sonntag - E-Business Recht - Eine Einführung für Informatiker; Linz: Trauner Verlag 2006; ISBN 3-85499-120-7 (2006) Susanne Loidl - Towards pervasive learning: WeLearn.Mobile - A CPS package viewer for handhelds; in: Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Vol. 29, Issue 4, pp. 277-293; Elsevier Ltd.2006; ISSN 1084-8045 (2006) Michael Sonntag - Ajax Security in Groupware; in: 32nd Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA) 2006, pp. 472-479; Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society 2006; ISBN 0-7695-2594-6 (2006) Michael Sonntag, Jörg R. Mühlbacher - Deriving Sub-Courses from CPS Packages by Metadata Taxonomy Filtering; in: J. R. Parker (Ed.): Education and Technology, pp. 73-78; Anaheim: ACTA Press 2006; ISBN 0-88986-579-5 (2006) Michael Sonntag: - A small product line needing requisitely holistic management. Case study of a call-center application and its legal protection; in: Robert Trappl (Ed.): Cybernetics and Systems 2006, pp. 454-459; Wien: Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies 2006; ISBN 3-85206-172-5 (2006) Michael Sonntag - Agents as web service providers: Single agents or MAS? in: Journal of Applied Artificial Intelligence (JAAI), Volume 20 (4-5), pp. 203-227 (2006) Michael Sonntag - Datenschutz - Eine Querschnittsmaterie; Softwaretechnik - Trends 26:4; 2006,2;ISSN 0720-8928; [Online version] (2006)
Michael Sonntag - Enhancing collaboration through notifications; in: Ch. Hoyer, G. Chroust, (Eds.): IDIMT-2005; 13th Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks, pp. 67-80; Linz: Universitätsverlag Rudolf Trauner 2005; ISBN 3-85487-835-4 (2005) Michael Sonntag, Andreas Putzinger - Interest Derivation through Keywords; in: Proceedings 31st Euromicro conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAAA), pp. 475-482; Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society 2005; ISBN 0-7695-2431-1 (2005) Michael Sonntag - Das Rücktrittsrecht nach dem Fernabsatzgesetz beim Online-Musikkauf; in: Erich Schweighofer, Doris Liebwald, Silvia Augeneder, Thomas Menzel (Eds.): Effizienz von e-Lösungen in Staat und Gesellschaft. Aktuelle Fragen der Rechtsinformatik, pp. 419-426; Stuttgart: Boorberg 2005; ISBN 3-415-03615-4 (2005) Gerhard Eschelbeck - The Laws of Vulnerabilities: Which security vulnerabilities really matter?; in: Information Security Technical Report, Volume 10, Issue 4, pp 213-219; Elsevier Ltd. (November 2005). ISSN: 1363-4127 (2005) Gerhard Eschelbeck - Security Vulnerabilities, Exploits and Patches; in: (IN)SECURE Magazine; Issue 1.3; pp 6-10 (2005) Gerhard Eschelbeck - Sicherheitslecks haben System; in: Computerwoche 27/2005, pp 18-19 (2005) Alexandros Paramythis, Susanne Loidl, Jörg R. Mühlbacher, Michael Sonntag - A Framework for Uniformly Visualizing and Interacting with Algorithms in E-Learning; in: T. C. Montgomerie, J. R. Parker (Eds.): The IASTED International Conference on Education and Technology (ICET) 2005, Calgary, pp. 28 - 33, Anaheim: ACTA Press 2005; ISBN 0-88986-487-X (2005) Gerhard Eschelbeck - The future won't be secured by humans; in: TECHWORLD (2005) Susanne Loidl, Jörg R. Mühlbacher, H. Schauer - Preparatory Knowledge: Propaedeutic in Informatics; in: R.T. Mittermeir (Ed.): ISSEP 2005, LNCS 3422, pp. 104 - 115; Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005; ISBN 3-540-25336-X (2005) Gerhard Eschelbeck - From SATAN to OVAL: the evolution of vulnerability assessment; INFOSECURITY Europe 2005, pp 40; Reed Elsevier (2005) Eschelbeck Gerhard - Grundlagen zu Softwareschwächen: Zielscheibe Vulnerability; in: Network Computing 2005 (2005)
Gerhard Eschelbeck - Know your facts. It's all in the research; in: SC Magazine (December 2004); pp 42-43 (2004) Jörg R. Mühlbacher - Full Hash Table Search using Primitive Roots of the Prime Residue Group Z/p; in: Journal of Universal Computer Science, Vol.10 (2004), Issue 9, pp. 1239-1249 (2004) Michael Sonntag - Rechtsprobleme von Online Lernplattformen. Logging, Prüfung und Filterung von Inhalten. In: Erich Schweighofer, Doris Liebwald, Günther Kreuzbauer, Thomas Menzel: Informationstechnik in der juristischen Realität. Aktuelle Fragen zur Rechtsinformatik 2004, pp. 407-414; Wien, Verlag Österreich 2004; ISBN 3-7046-4481-1 (2004) Michael Sonntag - Softwarepatente und E-Commerce; OCG Journal 5/2004, pp. 28-29 (2004) Gerhard Eschelbeck - Automating Defense: Blocking Security Threats of the Future; in: CyberDefense Magazine (May 2004), pp 16-18 (2004). Michael Sonntag - Metadata in E-Learning Applications: Automatic Extraction and Reuse. In: Hofer Christian, Chroust Gerhard (Eds.): IDIMT-2004. 12th Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks, Budweis (Tschechien), pp. 219-231;. Linz: Universitätsverlag Rudolf Trauner 2004; ISBN 3-85487-665-3 (2004) Michael Sonntag - Deriving Interests from Keywords. In: Erwin Grosspietsch, Konrad Klöckner (Eds): Proceedings of the Work in Progress Session; Linz: Johannes Kepler University 2004; ISBN 3-902457-05-8 (2004) Michael Sonntag - Voluntariness of permissions required for security measures. In: Ralf Steinmetz, Andreas Mauthe (Eds.): Euromicro 2004. Proceedings of the 30th Euromicro Conference, Rennes (France), pp. 551-557; Los Alamitos, IEEE Computer Society 2004; ISBN 0-7695-2199-1 (2004) Michael Sonntag - Universitäre Forschung und Patentschutz. Bericht über das Kolloquium des österreichischen Patentamts; OCG Journal 3/2004, pp. 25-28 (2004) Michael Sonntag - Datenschutz im Fernunterricht. In: Oliver Plöckinger, Dieter Duursma, Michael Mayrhofer (Hrsg.): Internet-Recht; pp. 455-474; Wien: Neuer Wissenschaftlicher Verlag 2004; ISBN 3-7083-0169-2 (2004) Michael Sonntag, Gerhard Chroust - Legal protection of component metadata and APIs. In: Robert Trappl (Ed.): Cybernetics and Systems 2004. Proceedings of the 17th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research; pp. 445-450; Wien: Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies 2004; ISBN 3-85206-169-5 (2004) Michael Sonntag - Multi agent systems as web service providers. Distributing SOAP requests to agents by redirection. In: Robert Trappl (Ed.): Cybernetics and Systems 2004. Proceedings of the 17th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research; pp. 535-540; Wien: Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies 2004; ISBN 3-85206-169-5 (2004)
Gerhard Eschelbeck, M. Krieger - Eliminating noise from intrusion detection systems; in: Information Security Technical Report, Volume 8, Issue 4, pp 26-33; Elsevier Ltd. 2003; ISSN: 1363-4127 (2003) Gerhard Eschelbeck - Speeding Business Processes with a New Generation of Technology Automation; in: C-Level Business Review, Volume XXXI (November 2003), pp. 37-39; Aspatore Press 2003 (2003) Alexandros Paramythis, Susanne Loidl-Reisinger - Adaptive Learning Environments and e-Learning Standards. In: Roy Williams, w.w Associates (Eds.): Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on e-Learning, Glasgow (Scotland), 6.-7.11.2003, pp. 369-379 Academic Conferences International Reading 2003; ISBN: 0-9544577-4-9 (2003) Susanne
Loidl-Reisinger, Michael Sonntag - Using
metadata in creating offline views of e-learning content. In:
Michael E. Auer, Ursula Auer (Eds.): Interactive Computer Aided
Learning; Learning Objects and Reusability of Content, Kassel; Kassel
university press 2003; ISBN 3-89958-029-X (2003) Gerhard Eschelbeck - Keeping Up With Hackers, Viruses;Q&A; in: The Wall Street Journal (September 2003) (2003) Gerhard Eschelbeck - Worm
and Virus Defense: How can
we protect our
nation's computers from
these serious threats;
Congressional Testimony before the Subcommittee on Michael Sonntag, Maria Wimmer - Legal Aspects of One-Stop Government: The case of applying for a building permission. In: Roland Traunmüller: EGOV 2003, 2nd International Conference on e-Government, Heidelberg:; pp. 385-392; Springer 2003; ISBN: 3-540-40845-2 (2003) Jörg Mühlbacher, Michael Sonntag - Roadmaps - Navigational Aids and Tools for Reusing Content in Distance Education. In: András Szücs, Erwin Wagner, Costas Tsolakidis: The Quality Dialogue. Integrating Quality Cultures in Flexible, Distance and eLearning; Proceedings of the 2003 EDEN Annual Conference, Rhodes (Greece), 15-18.6.2003; pp. 73-78 (2003) Gerhard Eschelbeck - Do you feel the force? Malware can pull you apart; Cover Story SC Magazine, (July 2003) (2003) Susanne Loidl-Reisinger, Alexandros Paramythis - Distance Education - A Battlefield for Standards. In: András Szücs, Erwin Wagner, Costas Tsolakidis: The Quality Dialogue. Integrating Quality Cultures in Flexible, Distance and eLearning; Proceedings of the 2003 EDEN Annual Conference, Rhodes (Greece), 15-18.6.2003; pp. 89-94 (2003) Michael Sonntag - Online Learning Platforms and E-Government. In: Ferdinand Galindo, Roland Traunmüller (Eds.): E-Government: Legal, Technical and Pedagogical Aspects; pp. 283-299; Zaragoza, Seminario de Informatica y Derecho 2003; ISBN: 84-95480-96-4 (2003) Michael Sonntag - Cybercrime-Konvention. Störung der Funktionsfähigkeit und widerrechtlicher Zugriff. In: Erich Schweighofer, Thomas Menzel, Günther Kreubauer, Doris Liebwald (Ed.): Zwischen Rechtstheorie und e-Government. Aktuelle Fragen der Rechtsinformatik; pp. 437-444; Wien: Verlag Österreich 2003; ISBN: 3-7046-4091-3 (German) (2003)
Rudolf Hörmanseder, Johann Murauer, Jörg R. Mühlbacher - Managing Data Flow in a DAC Supporting Security System; in: Journal of Network and Computer Applications (2002) 25; pp. 223-238; Elsevier Science Ltd.; ISSN: 1084-8045 (2002) Jörg R. Mühlbacher, Susanne Reisinger, Michael Sonntag - Intelligent Agents and XML - A method for accessing webportals in both B2C and B2B E-Commerce. In: R. Corchuelo, A. Ruiz, M. Toro (Ed.): Advances in Business Solutions; pp.39 - 44; Catedral Publicaciones Salamanca; ISBN: 84-96086-01-1 (2002) Michael Sonntag, Maria Wimmer - Datenschutzaspekte von e-Government mit besonderem Bezug auf das eGOV-Projekt. In: Sigrid Schubert, Bernd Reusch, Norbert Jesse (Hrsg.): Informatik bewegt Informatik 2002 - 32. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI), pp. 462 - 468; Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik; ISBN: 3-88579-348-2 (2002) Jörg R. Mühlbacher, Stephan C. Mühlbacher, Susanne Reisinger - Learning Arrangements and Settings for Distance Teaching / Coaching / Learning: Best Practice Report. In: C.Hofer, G.Chroust (Ed.): IDIMT - 2002; 10th Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks, 11.9. - 13. 9. 2002, Zadov (Tschechien); pp. 243 - 253, Universitätsverlag Rudolf Trauner; ISBN: 3-85487-424-3 (2002) Michael Sonntag - Webbugs - Wanzen im Internet. In: Erich Schweighofer, Thomas Menzel, Günther Kreuzbauer (Eds.): IT in Recht und Staat: Aktuelle Fragen der Rechtsinformatik; pp. 355 - 362, Wien: Verlag Österreich; ISBN: 3-7046-3827-7 (2002) Michael Sonntag - Engineering for Privacy. Reducing personal information and complying to privacy laws. In: C.Hofer, G.Chroust (Ed.): IDIMT - 2002; 10th Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks, Zadov (Tschechien); Universitätsverlag Rudolf Trauner; ISBN: 3-85487-424-3 (2002) Jörg R. Mühlbacher, Susanne Reisinger, Roman Divotkey, Doris Remplbauer - The WeLearn Distance Teaching Framework. In: Dr. Erwin Wagner, Dr.Andreas Szücs (Ed.): Open and Distance Learning in Europe and Beyond Rethinking International Co-operation; Proceedings of the 2002 Eden Conference; Eden-Konferenz 2002 in Granada (Esp), 16.6. - 19.6.2002; pp. 308 - 314 (2002) Jörg R. Mühlbacher, Michael Sonntag, Susanne Reisinger - Personalization of Web-Based Interfaces for Humans and Agents, Applied to E-Government Portals. In: Maria A. Wimmer (Ed.): Knowledge Management in E-Government; KMGov-2002; pp. 210 - 222, Universitätsverlag Rudolf Trauner; ISBN: 3-85487-409-x (2002) Michael Sonntag - Legal Aspects of Mobile Agents. With special consideration of the proposed Austrian E-Commerce Law. In: Robert Trappl (Ed.): Cybernetics and Systems 2002. Proceedings of the 16th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research; pp. 153 - 158; Wien: Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies; ISBN: 3-85206-160-1 (2002) Michael Sonntag - Elektronische Signaturen. Rechtswirkungen, Haftung von ZDA sowie Sonderprobleme. In: Oliver Plöckinger, Dieter Duursma, Günther Helm: Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Internet-Recht; pp. 143 - 163; Wien: Neuer Wissenschaftlicher Verlag; ISBN: 3-7083-0041-6 (2002)
Rudolf Hörmanseder, Jörg R. Mühlbacher - Secure WAN Communications for Teleworkers. A Case Study. In: ICETA 2001 Conference Proceedings; ICETA 2001, Kosice, Slovakia; pp. 217 - 223; ISBN: 80-89066-06-2 (2001) Michael Sonntag, Susanne Reisinger - Important Factors for E-Commerce. In: C.Hofer, G.Chroust (editors): IDIMT - 2001; 9th Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks, Zadov (Tschechien); Universitätsverlag Rudolf Trauner; ISBN: 3-85487-272-0 (2001) Michael Sonntag - Improving Communication to Citizens and within Public Administration by Attribute Certificates. In: Maria A. Wimmer (Ed.): Knowledge Management in e-Government. KMGov-2001; 2nd International Workshop jointly organised by IFIP WG 8.3 & 8.5, University of Linz and University of Siena, pp. 207-217; Linz: Universitätsverlag Rudolf Trauner; ISBN: 3-85487-246-1 (2001) Gerhard Eschelbeck, Jun Li - Multi-Tier Intrusion Detection system; in: UCLA Technical Report 010027, Los Angeles, pp. 1-11, (August 2001) (2001) Jörg R. Mühlbacher - Concepts, Aims and Problems which Modelling in OR and OOP have in Common; Essays in Honor of Paul Stähly. In: Models, Methods and Decision Support for Management; P.Kischka, U.Leopold-Wildburger, R.H.Möhring, F-J.Radermacher (Hrsg.), Physica-Verlag Heidelberg 2001, pp.139-146, ISBN 3-7908-1373-7 (2001)
Michael Sonntag, Rudolf Hörmanseder - Mobile agent security based on payment; ACM SIG Operating Systems, Operating Systems Review, New York, pp 48 - 55 (Vol. 34, No. 4), ISSN: 0163-5980 (2000) Jörg R. Mühlbacher, Peter R. Dietmüller, Markus Jöbstl, Wolfgang Zwicknagl - Real-time visualisation of object structures for semantic validation; Euromicro 2000, Proceedings of the 26th Euromicro Conference, Maastricht, Belgien, pp 277 - 283; ISBN: 076907808 (2000) Michael Sonntag - Electronic Signatures for Legal Persons; In: Susanne Hofer, Manfred Beneder: IDIMT´00. 8th Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks, Linz: Universitätsverlag Rudolf Trauner 2000, pp 233-256; ISBN: 3854871538 (2000) Gerhard Eschelbeck - Active Security-A Proactive Approach for Computer Security Systems; in: Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Volume 23, Number 2, pp. 109-130, Academic Press (2000)
Jörg R. Mühlbacher, Michael Sonntag - Teaching Software Engineering and Encouraging Entrepreneurship through E-Commerce; Proceedings 2nd Int.Conference IeC99, Manchester, pp135-144; ISBN: 0953723801 (1999) Michael Sonntag - Teleteaching and Teamwork - A contradiction?; Online Educa Berlin. 5th International Conference on Technology Supported Learning. Bonn: I.W.H. Wie+Wo Verlag 1999, 142ff; ISBN: 3925144099 (1999) Jörg R. Mühlbacher, Peter R. Dietmüller, Markus Jöbstl - Extendable Object Visualisation for Software Reengineering; Euromicro 99: Proceedings of the 25th EUROMICRO Conference, p. 229-236, 1999 by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc; ISBN: 0-7695-0321-7 (1999) Kurt Hanner, Rudolf Hörmanseder - Managing Windows NT file system permissions - A security tool to master the complexity of Microsoft Windows NT file system permissions; Journal of Network and Computer Applications 22, S 119-131, Article No. jnca. 1999.0086; ISBN: 10848045 (1999) Michael Sonntag - Teleteaching: From Unidirectionalism to Multidirectionalism; IDIMT`99 7th Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks (Hofer Susanne, Beneder Manfred (Ed.). Universitätsverlag Trauner 1999, 142ff, ISBN: 3854870469 (1999) Jörg R.Mühlbacher, Rudolf Hörmanseder, E.Unger - Development of a New Computer Science Curriculum for Teachers at Compulsory School; Pädagogische Schriften PADB Linz, Integrating ICT into Institutions of Teachers Education. Universitätsverlag Rudolf Trauner 1999; ISBN: 385487040X (1999) J.R.Mühlbacher, P.H.Leng, M.J.Shave, H.Schauer, R.M.Aiken - An Experiment in multinational collaborative learning and group work using the Internet; Education and Information Technologies; ISBN: 1360-2357 (1999) Kreuzeder Ulrich - POW! - The Programmers Open Workbench; Journal of Systems Architecture 45, S 909 - 918; ISBN: 1383-7621 (1999) Bernhard Leisch, Dean Grifford, Brian Kirk - A Component Based Architecture for CAN Based Systems; Proceedings of the 5th International Can Conference, pp11-12 - 11-19, Can In Automation e.V; (1998) Jörg R.Mühlbacher, P.H.Leng, M.J.Shave, H.Schauer, R.M.Aiken - Interactive Seminars using the WEB: An International Experience; Band: "Teleteaching, Distance Learning, Training and Education, Proceedings of the XV. IFIP World Computer Congress, Wien, Budapest 1998, Ed. Gordon Davies, 869-875; ISBN: 3-85403-120-3 (1998) Jörg R. Mühlbacher - Teleworking and Business Reengineering: Lessons learned from Operating Systems development; Österr. Computer Gesellschaft, Proceedings of the XV. IFIP World Computer Congress, Wien, Budapest 1998; ISBN: 3-85403-121-1 (1998) Michael Sonntag - Untersuchungen zur Personalisierung (1998) Jörg R. Mühlbacher - Das Ende des Präsenzunterrichts?; ÖZB - Österr. Zeitschrift für Berufsbildung, 4 -97/98, pp.8-11; ISBN: 1029-5488 (1998) Michael Sonntag - The Applaud Project, Institute-Specific Final Report University Linz (FIM); (1998) Michael Sonntag - Intelligent Agents - Inevitable Tools for Teleworkers; Online Collaboration Berlin. Second International Conference on Teleworking, Knowledge Management and Electronic Commerce. Bonn: I.W.H. 1998, 32ff; ISBN: 3-925144-10-2 (1998) Bernhard Leisch, Peter Schuhmayer - An Architecture for Distributed Visualization of Technical Processes; Journal of Network and Computer Applications Vol. 20, Academic Press Ltd, London (1997). Michael Sonntag - Telearbeit - Eine Untersuchung von Rahmenbedingungen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Telekommunikationsanbindung (1997) J.R.Mühlbacher, B.Leisch, B.Kirk, U.Kreuzeder - Oberon-2 Programming with Windows; Springer 1997; ISBN: 3-540-62522-4 (1997) Gerhard Eschelbeck - Remote Administration in Distributed Environments; CON 95 Tenth Austrian Hungarian Conference on Computer & Communications: Creating New Applications in Business, Administration and Society, Vienna, pp. 151-159, Oldenbourg Verlag Wien München (1995) Gerhard Eschelbeck - Remote Control with Remote Procedure Calls; in: Proceedings PDCS 95 Eigth International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems, Orlando, pp. 360-363, ISCA - IEEE (1995) J.R. Mühlbacher, B.Leisch, U. Kreuzeder - Programmieren mit Oberon-2 unter Windows; Hanser 1995; based on Pow! 2.0a; ISBN 3-446-18406-6 (1995) Gerhard Eschelbeck - Parallel computation with dynamic load distribution for locally distributed Windows NT environments; in: Journal of Microcomputer Applications, Volume 8, Number 3, pp. 193-201, Academic Press (1995) Gerhard Eschelbeck - Remote Desktop; Informatik Forschung und Entwicklung, Softwareforum, Band 10, Heft 3, pp 161-162, Springer Verlag Heidelberg (1995) Gerhard Eschelbeck - An Architecture for Multimedia Communication in a Distributed Education Environment; in: Proceedings ED-MEDIA 95 World Conference on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, Graz, pp. 217-222, AACE (1995) Gerhard Eschelbeck, Ch. Hartl - A Framework for Distributed Processing of Air Pollution Dispersion Models; in: Proceedings ISESS 95 International Symposium on Environmental Software Systems, Philadelphia, pp.123-129, Chapman & Hall (1995) J.R. Mühlbacher - Networks: Beyond Technical Aspects; Computer & Communications; CON95, Vienna 1995; pp. 191-200; Oldenbourg Wien, München (1995) J.R. Mühlbacher, F.X. Steinparz - Overcoming Technological Distance of CMC Usage; Résumés des Communications, Abstracts, CADE 94 ACED, pp. 55-56 (1994) J.R. Mühlbacher, G. Eschelbeck, Th. Moser - Distributed Traffic Monitoring and Evaluation by Means of a Client/Server Architecture; in: Proceedings IFIP World Computer Congress Hamburg, Vol. II, pp.156-161; North Holland Publishing (1994) J.R. Mühlbacher, G. Eschelbeck - A Framework of Classes for Distributed Controlling; Euromicro Conference, Liverpool 1994, pp.240-246; IEEE Computer Society Press (1994) J.R. Mühlbacher, B.R. Kirk - Oberon for Everyone; Second European MODULA-2 Conference; Leicester (UK) 1992, pp. 93-105 (1992) J.R. Mühlbacher - Using object-oriented concepts for programming with light-weight processes; Journal of Microcomputer Applications, 1991, 14, pp. 263-292 (1991) J.R. Mühlbacher - Anerkennung und Werte in der Informatik (nicht nur) am Beispiel der Computerviren; Österr. Zeitschrift für Statistik und Informatik, 1990, Heft 4, pp. 309-314 (1990)
J.R. Mühlbacher, R. Hörmanseder - Programming the MS-DOS shell: Organizing data and programs consistently; Journal of Microcomputer Applications, 1988, 11, pp. 301-315 (1988) J.R.
Mühlbacher - Mobile Datenerfassung und Datenverarbeitung; in
P. Mertens (Hrsg): Lexikon der Wirtschaftsinformatik, pp.227-229,
Springer Verlag 1987; J.R. Mühlbacher, R. Hörmanseder - Modula-2 auf DOS. Programmierwerkzeuge für DOS-Anwender; Carl Hanser Verlag 1987; ISBN: 3-446-14972-4 (1987) J.R. Mühlbacher - Anschluß einer Mouse mit Modula 2 unter DOS auf dem IBM-PC; Angewandte Informatik, 1986, 5, pp 213-222 (1986) J.R. Mühlbacher, R. Hörmanseder, K. Stadler - MUESLI, an operating system dedicated to teaching microprocessor software development; Journal of Microcomputer Applications, 1985, 8, pp. 215-229, (1985) J.R. Mühlbacher - Chancen für Österreichs Forschung am Beispiel Mikroelektronik; Linzer Universitätsschriften, Beiträge zur Systemforschung; Festschrift Adolf Adam zum 65. Geburtstag; Hrsg. Helmut Beran und Franz Pichler, 1985, Springer Verlag Wien-New York, ISBN: 3-211-81822-7 (1985) J.R. Mühlbacher, H. Lackinger - Lernen mit Bildschirmtext: dezentral und zeitlich ungebunden; Tagungsband "Mikroelektronik für den Menschen", pp. 731ff; FIM, Linz (1984) J.R. Mühlbacher, F.X. Steinparz - Transformations of co-ordinates for robot control; Journal of Microcomputer Applications, 1984, 7, pp. 1-17 (1984) J.R. Mühlbacher, F.X. Steinparz, G. Tinhofer - On certain classes of fractional matchings; Discrete Applied Mathematics 9, pp. 235-244, North-Holland (1984) J.R. Mühlbacher, F.X. Steinparz - Research on F-Factors; Graphs and other Combinatorial Topics; Proceedings of the Third Czechoslovak Symposium on Graph Theory, 1982, Teubner-Texte zur Mathematik, Band 59, pp.195-199 (1982) J.R. Mühlbacher - A tutorial introduction into structured microprocessor software development; Journal of Microcomputer Applications, 1982, 5, pp. 67-86 (1982) J.R. Mühlbacher, K. Stadler - Mikroprozessor Software - Labor; Carl Hanser Verlag 1982; ISBN: 3-446-13545-6 (1982) J.R. Mühlbacher - Proceedings of the 7th Conference on Graphtheoretic Concepts in Computer Science (Ed.); Carl Hanser Verlag (1982) J.R. Mühlbacher - Full table scatter storage parallel searching; Computing 26, pp. 9-18 (1981) J.R. Mühlbacher, G. Chroust (Ed.) - Firmware, Microprogramming and Restructurable Hardware; North Holland (1981) J.R. Mühlbacher - Personal Computing in Computer Science Education: How to solve the educational Paradox; Euromicro Journal, 1980, Vol. 6, Nr. 2, pp. 78-80 (1980) J.R. Mühlbacher - A case study on Programming in a Paged Environment: An Implementation of Gustavson´s fast Algorithm for Sparse Matrix Multiplication; Angewandte Informatik, 1980, Heft 2, pp. 47-71 (1980) J.R. Mühlbacher, F.G. Duncan - Storage structure for rivalling multiprocessor organization; Euromicro Journal, 1980, Vol. 6, Nr. 1, pp. 44-50 (1980) J.R. Mühlbacher, F.X. Steinparz - Canonical F-Factors of Graphs; in: U.Pape (Hrsg.): Discrete Structures and Algorithms; Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Graphtheoretic Concepts in Computer Science, pp. 93-104, Hanser Verlag (1980) J.R. Mühlbacher - Betriebsssteme; in: E. Grochla (Hrsg): Handwörterbuch der Organisation, pp. 362-370, C.E. Poeschel Verlag (1980)
J.R. Mühlbacher, G. Chroust - Rivalling Multiprocessor Organization: An Approach to performance increases; Euromicro Journal, 1979, Vol.5, Nr.2, pp. 65-72 (1979) J.R. Mühlbacher - Magic Squares and their Generalization: A Graphtheoretic Problem; in: H.Nagl, H.J. Schneider (Ed.): Graphs, Data Structures, Algorithms; Applied Computer Science, 1979, Vol. 13, pp.45-64 (1979) J.R. Mühlbacher - F-Factors of Graphs: A Generalized Matching Problem; Information Processing Letters, 1979, Vol. 8, Nr. 4, pp. 207-214 (1979) J.R. Mühlbacher - Datenstrukturen, Graphen, Algorithmen: Proceedings des 3. Workshops über Graphentheoretische Konzepte der Informatik; Applied Computer Science, 1978, Vol.8 (1978) J.R. Mühlbacher, J. Griese - Konstruktionsprinzipien und Problembereiche für Mensch-Maschinen-Kommunikationssysteme; in H. Noltemeier (Hrsg): Computergestützte Planungssysteme; pp. 315-332, Physica Verlag (1976) J.R. Mühlbacher, A. Zeyn - Konzept einer virtuellen Maschine zur Strukturmanipulation; in: U. Pape (Hrsg): Graphen-Sprachen und Algorithmen auf Graphen, pp. 87-116, Applied Computer Science, 1976, Vol.1 (1976) J.R. Mühlbacher, B. Losbichler - A Note on Programming in Paging Systems; Proceeding of Informatica, Bled (YU), 1.15.1 - 1.15.10 (1975) J.R. Mühlbacher - Datenstrukturen; Carl Hanser Verlag 1975; ISBN: 3-446-12143-9 (1975) J.R. Mühlbacher - GI-Jahrestagung, Dortmund 1975; Lecture Notes in CS, Vol. 34, Springer (1975) J.R. Mühlbacher, B. Losbichler - Entwicklung eines MMK-Systems für das Zuordnungproblem durch Top-Down-Entwurf; Angewandte Informatik, 1974, 10, pp. 453-464 (1974) J.R. Mühlbacher, L. Reisinger, G. Vinek - Computerkriminalität, eine Typologie der Programmanipulation; ÖDV 10/1974, pp. 456-462 (1974) J.R. Mühlbacher, W. Dörfler - Ein verbesserter Algorithmus zur Bestimmung eines Maximalen Matching in beliebigen Graphen; Computing, 1974, 13, pp. 389-397 (1974) J.R. Mühlbacher - Struktur von Suchverfahren; Angewandte Informatik, 1973, 5, pp. 189-196 (1973) J.R. Mühlbacher - Bäume und Arboreszenzen, ihre Notation und Anwendung; in: H. Hansen (Hrsg): Probleme beim Aufbau betrieblicher Informationssysteme, Verlag Moderne Industrie (1973) J.R. Mühlbacher, W. Dörfler - Graphentheorie für Informatiker; Walter de Gruyter & Co. Berlin 1973; ISBN: 3 11 003946 X (1973) J.R. Mühlbacher - Ein schneller Algorithmus zur Bestimmung der Brücken eines Graphen; Angewandte Informatik, 1972, 6, pp. 280-282 (1972) J.R. Mühlbacher, W. Dörfler - Bestimmung eines Maximalen Matching in beliebigen Graphen; Computing, 1972, 9, pp. 251-257 (1972) J.R. Mühlbacher - Bestimmung der Komponenten eines Graphen und ihrer Minimalgerüste; Angewandte Informatik, 1972, 1, pp. 40-42 (1972) J.R. Mühlbacher - Methoden zur Verwaltung n-dimensionaler dünnbesetzter Gitter; Angewandte Informatik, 1972, 10, pp. 469-472 (1972) J.R. Mühlbacher - n-dimensionale Gitter zur Erfassung von Ähnlichkeitsbeziehungen bei Stählen; Angewandte Informatik, 1971, 8, pp. 354-356 (1971) Publications in Syspro-Reports (editions of previous years) |
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