Secure WAN communication for tele-workers. A case study.
This page is designed as a supplement to the paper "SECURE WAN COMMUNICATION FOR TELEWORKERS. A CASE STUDY"
(by Rudolf Hörmanseder and Jörg R. Mühlbacher),
and the presentation held about this paper at the ICETA 2001 (Kosice, Slovakia).
You can find the original paper in the ICETA 2001 Conference Proceedings (ISBN 80-89066-06-2) on page 217 to 223.
- Full paper
- Slides of the presentation
- X_General (batch file)
- General routing table
- Works as a dynamic extension for routing-entries added with command "route add"
- Administrators have to change the routing information according to their needs
- X_RoutingN (batch file)
- Routing-daemon
- Should be started at computer startup, e.g. by AutoExNT from the ResourceKit
- Administrators are supposed to change the constants described as "parameters" at the beginning of this module.
- X_Routing1 (batch file)
- Does the routing for one IP address range
- Subprogram for X_RoutingN; is called from X_RoutingN indirectly via X_General.cmd
- X_DisplayN (batch file)
- Utility to display the current status of routing at the computer
- Should be activated interactively by an administrator
- X_Display1 (batch file)
- Does the display for one IP address range
- Subprogram for X_DisplayN; is called from X_DisplayN indirectly via X_General.cmd
- X_Log.cmd (batch file)
- Subprogram to do event-logging; is called by X_Routing1.cmd
- EnvDate2 (C program)
- Is used by X_Log.cmd
- Reads current date and time and displays it on standard console out
- Used for generating time and date entries in a log-file
General assumptions and prerequisites for batch files:
- The standard NT commands PING, ROUTE, FIND, FINDSTR and NET are available in the search-path.
- The programs SLEEP and LOGEVENT from the ResourceKit are available in the search-path.
- All command-files and programs from the download are in the current directory (or at least in the search-path)
- Environment variable TEMP points to a directory with change-permissions for this process.
- Process must have enough permissions to use all these commands, especially also to create or change routes,
write events to the NT application log-files, write to log-files, do message-popup, ...!

Figure: General structure of programs / batch-files
Last modified 2001-10-23 by Hörmanseder (Email).