Seminar in Networks and Security: Challenges for IT-Security |
Semester: | SS 2014 | |
LVA - Name |
in Networks and Security: Challenges for IT-Security |
LVA - Nummer: |
353.086 | |
LVA - Typ: |
SE | |
Wochenstunden pro Sem.: |
2 | |
Vortragende(r): |
Dr. Gerhard Eschelbeck Dr. Peter Rene Dietmüller |
20 | |
Anmeldemodus: |
Online-Anmeldung Studierende des Masterstudiums Netzwerke und Sicherheit werden bei der Aufnahme vorgereiht. |
Block Informationen zu den aktuellen Terminen dieses Seminars erhalten Sie ab Semesterbeginn im KUSSS. |
Ort: |
Inhalt der LVA: |
Requirements for IT security are evolving
rapidly. Attackers are growing in sophistication, and modern platforms
including Cloud computing, Mobile computing, and Virtualization demand new
security and protection models. Challenges in these new environments are plentiful including malware protection, vulnerability assessment, data protection, as well as network security. This seminar will provide students the opportunity to research a specific and relevant topic within this changing environment, and prepare a paper as well as presentation (in English or German) about their selected topic.
LVA - Modus: |
SE, Präsentation und Paperausarbeitung
Prüfung: |
Note setzt sich aus Seminarausarbeitung und Präsentation zusammen. |
Literatur: |
Weitere Auskünfte: |
Sekretariat | |