Secure Code |
Semester: |
SS 2010 | |
LVA - Name: |
Secure Code | |
LVA - Nummer: |
353.013 | |
LVA - Typ |
KV | |
Wochenstunden pro Sem.: |
1 | |
Vortragende(r): |
MSc. Dr. Alexandros Paramythis | |
35 | |
Anmeldemodus: |
Prerequisite knowledge: Good knowledge of programming will be required. Participants should be familiar with both Java and C, and have at least working knowledge of HTML / HTTP and SQL. |
Block (The dates and times of lectures will be
decided once the course starts) |
Inhalt der LVA: |
Course curriculum:
Project work:
LVA - Modus: |
The lecture will be held in
English! Die Lehrveranstaltung wird in englischer Sprache abgehalten! |
Prüfung: |
The course will have a final exam. Final marks will be derived proportionally from exam marks and from project marks (see above for details on the types of projects that will be available for selection) | |
Literatur: |
Course slides and accompanying materials, will be made available on the course's web site and will be available to course participants. | |
Further information about the course will be available on the course's web site. If you need additional details to decide whether you wish to register for the course, please communicate directly with the lecturer (see "Further inquiries" below). | |
Weitere Auskünfte: |
Alexandros Paramythis |