Wireless LANs |
Semester: | SS 2011 | |
LVA - Name |
Wireless LANs | |
LVA - Nummer: |
353.029 | |
LVA - Typ: |
KV | |
Wochenstunden pro Sem.: |
1 | |
Vortragende(r): |
DI Christian Praher | |
35 | |
Anmeldemodus: |
Computeranmeldung (Online) | |
Labs (only one group has to be attended!)
Ort: |
Inhalt der LVA: |
Geplante Inhalte Wireless LAN (Scheduled contents): |
LVA - Modus: |
Die Lehrveranstaltung wird in englischer Sprache abgehalten! The lecture will be held blocked. There will be practical exercises in the laboratory as well as parts held as a lecture. |
Prüfung: |
Schriftliche Prüfung (Written exam) |
Literatur: |
Weitere Auskünfte: |
DI Christian Praher | |
Links zu anderen Semestern: |