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arrow.gif (108 Byte)A seminar: using the Internet winter term 97/98

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arrow.gif (108 Byte)Team members:

Wolfgang Höfler

Mario Pichler

Christoph Panwinkler


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Teleworking - Links



Analysis Tool: STEM

Analysys STEM is a decision-support tool specifically designed to meet these needs. It provides a means for systematic and consistent analysis of revenue, costs, markets and investment.
Analysys STEM is...

A tool which supports key business decisions in telecommunications:

  • Which network solution?
  • Which supplier?
  • When to roll out new services?
  • Which technology?
  • What price?

A tool to answer critical questions in telecommunications:

  • How much does the network cost?
  • What is the return on investment?
  • How do we allocate the overheads?
  • What are the main cost drivers?
  • How much do individual services and products cost, and what are the returns?
  • What new opportunities should we explore?

A tool to address uncertainty in telecommunications:

  • What if the market changes?
  • What if capital or labour costs change?
  • What if regulatory policy changes?
  • What if our competitors' strategies change?
STEM is a trademark of ANALYSYS!
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written by Wolfgang Höfler, Mario Pichler and Christoph Panwinkler

last modified: 14.06.02