- Presentation and Drawing
This module tests the student's competence in presentation and/or drawing tools. The specific test taken will depend on the facilities available in the Test Centre or the Training Centre. One question will be asked which will be from the Drawing section or the Presentation section. Course Contents -- DrawingDraw a picture which will be described in detail including most of the following:
Course Contents -- PresentationThe student will create a presentation including 6 - 8 of the following:
AssessmentOne question, either drawing or presentation, must be completed. The paper may consist of just one exercise which must be done, or it may have a choice of exercises for organisation where the facilities may differ. The pass mark is 80%. Time allowed is 45 minutes. While the use of integrated software in not currently a module in its own right, this module may be combined with word processing, spreadsheet and/or database using software which allows integration. If this is done, all of the tasks within each module must be achieved. |