(summary and aims)
We will discuss and propose a different approach which can be regarded as a dynamic strategy. We recommend a start from scratch by performing a business process redesign first.
Such a Business Reengineering (BR) however should follow and obey an additional condition and target: reorganize workflow and tasks in such a way, that parts of it and subtasks are optimal suited for the specific needs of a TW-profile. To some extent this also results in a redistribution of both, workload and the tasks for individual employees. As a further result it will modify the individual job profiles too.
A major consequence also is that the overall IT based flow of information and the companys global communication policy for units and/or employees is subject to changes as soon TW is considered as an accepted way of working. It underlines that not only those who will work TW-based are affected, but also those employees who remain resident within their company as they did before.
TW is much more than allowing people to stay at home using information and communications technology (ICT), in which work is carried out independent of location - particularly at a location other than the traditional workplace. TW has consequences to all other units of a company . TW will imply a new assignment of modified job profiles to employees based on BR.
Last change: 1414/06/02