Spezielle Kapitel aus Teleteaching/Telelearning:
Adaptive Web-Based
Do you know what makes amazon successful?
Have you ever wondered how sites
like movielens “know” the most fitting
products / items to recommend
specifically to you? |
Do you want to know why you simply
can’t stand the MS Assistant and
what Lumiere has to do with it ?!? |
Did you think that web based
personal agents are limited to intelligently generated
Or do you simply want to
learn how to use existing, open-source software to make web-based
systems automatically personalizable? |
LVA: 353.008, Typ: KV, Wochenst. pro
Sem.: 2, Anmeldemodus: Computer (KUSSS)
Sprache: Englisch, Vortragende(r): Alexandros
Paramythis (alpar@fim.uni-linz.ac.at)