A short introduction to
Net-Etiquette (Netiquette)
When using electronic communication, people tend to forget that
they are talking/writing to real persons with real feelings. Also, the distance and
anonymity of the net removes some inhibitions and results in behaviour, which they would
not dream of if they meet someone personally. It is therefore necessary to set some rules
for electronic communication, some obvious, some old, some because of special properties
of the net and some completely new.
These rules may not be appropriate for every communication but
you should think not twice but at least thrice about it before breaking one!
General rules
Be forgiving!
- Do not write flames, rassistic, sexistic, ... statements
- Never ever reply to flames, annoying mail, ... Leave it to someone else
to do something about it and let it die
- Before expressing something: Would you say this to the addressee in daily life in person
from face to face?
- Obey the law, especially if you know it is different in other countries!
- Do not use exotic "standards"
Rules regarding E-Mail
- Do not post anonymously
- In each mail, address only one subject
- Do not use long signatures
- Check your spelling and grammar
- Do not post ALL IN CAPS
- Send the mail only to those persons it really belongs to (Neither in TO nor in CC or
BCC; not all original recipients need the reply!)
- Send not demanded mail to someone only after thinking long if it is really necessary
- Do not post long attachments unless it is requested
- Always pack attachments
- Do not forward a mail without authorization of the sender
Rules regarding newsgroups/discussion boards
- Read at least all posts one week before posting
- Manners are different in different groups: Adhere to these manners
- Post an article only to the group(s) it belongs to
If you have any comments or additions to
make, please don't hesitate to mail me!

Last change: 30 Juni 1998
(c) 1997 Michael V. Sonntag |