A seminar: using the Internet winter term 97/98
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Team members:
Wolfgang Höfler
Mario Pichler
Christoph Panwinkler
Interesting Links
Teleworking - Links
ONLINE, issue 10/97 c't, issue 13/97, page 150 - 156 Computerwelt, issue 42/97, page 9
ONLINE, issue 10/97
c't, issue 13/97, page 150 - 156
Computerwelt, issue 42/97, page 9
Gil Gordon Associates Motorola Analysys Limited InnoVisions Canada
Gil Gordon Associates
Analysys Limited
InnoVisions Canada
[first chapter] [top of page] [last chapter]
written by Wolfgang Höfler, Mario Pichler and Christoph Panwinkler
last modified: 14.06.02