Curriculum vitae
Mag. Dipl-Ing. Dr. Michael Sonntag
1979 - 1983 4 years primary school (Übungsvolksschule der PÄDAK der Diözese Linz)
1983 - 1987 4 years secondary school (Übungshauptschule der PÄDAK der Diözese Linz)
1987 - 1992 5 years upper secondary school, vocational track electronics/communications engineering (passed with distinction) (HTBLA Leonding Elektronik/Nachrichtentechnik)
Military service:
1.7.1992 - 28.2.1993 (8 months, dismissed as lance corporal)
Course of studies:
25.2.1993 till 15.4.1997, 9 semester computer science (Shortening of prescripted time of study by one semester approved, passed with distinction, title of the thesis: Telearbeit)
1.10.1997 till 25.2.2002, Doctoral studies in computer science (Title of the dissertation: POND - An agentsystem with focus on security and payment for services with consideration of legal aspects)
25.2.1993 till 11.2.2002, Jurisprudence as second study (First part finished: 10.6.1997; Second part finished: 31.1.2002)
Professional experience:
11.7.1988 - 10.8.1988 Summer practice at the training workshop of ESG
9.7.1990 - 3.8.1990 Summer practice at the technical department of Sprecher Energie
1.8.1991 - 31.8.1991 Summer job at the technical service of IBM Austria
July 1996 till November 1996: Setup of the company network und programming of business-database of the MSV-Versand (mail-order company)
Since December 1996: IT-Manager and administrator of MSV-Versand (call center for multiple mail order companies) and related companies (Tasks: network, applications, administration, firewall, file-/mail-/fax-/webserver, national and international leased lines, VPN)
1.10.1997 - 30.9.1999 Research assistant at the Research Institute for Microprocessor Applications (FIM) (half-days)
Associate coordinator of the FIM at the APPLAUD project (EU SOCRATES programme / ODL project: 25097-CP-1-96-1-FI-ODL)
1.10.1999 - 28.2.2002 Researcher at the Research Institute for Microprocessor Applications (FIM) (half-days) for project on Intelligent Agents (funded by the Anniversary Fund of the Austrian National Bank, Project Nr. 7742; and the country of Upper Austria, Grant No. Wi/Ge 201.515/1-2000/Wwin)
Since 1.3.2002 Assistant at the Institute for Information Processing and Microprocessor Technology (FIM) (formerly named: Research Institute for Microprocessor Applications)
Member of the program committee and session organizer of IDIMT-2002 (Session A: E-Commerce and E-Government - Experiences and Projects) and 2003 (Session A: E-Business, E-Government and Information Society)
Awards received:
SS 1994 and WS 1994/95 Achievement price of the University of Linz
SS 1995 and WS 1995/96 Achievement price of the University of Linz
9.12.1997 Recognition price of the minister of science, traffic and arts for outstanding performance during study
SS 1994 - SS 1997 Eight assignments as tutor or instructor (algorithms, programming practice, computer graphics)
Lecture and practice algorithms & data structures 2, Practice 2 for trainers of computer science (Internet seminar), CBT (Computer Based Training) seminar, Teleworking: Teaching over the Internet seminar, Programming practice 2 (Java), Legal and technical aspects of E-Commerce, Applications in computer networks, Practice networks and distributed systems, Networks and Agents, Practice operating systems
7-11.10.2002: Guest lecture at the Eotvos Loránd University Budapest: Legal and technical aspects of E-Commerce
October 2002: Lecture at the Fachhochschule Vorarlberg within the program of univeritary character (Lehrgang universitären Characters) IT Network Management: From HTML to XML (XML, DTD, namespaces, schemata, XSL).
24-28.2.2003: Lecture at the University of Reading: Networks and Operating Systems (Networks: IP, TCP, UDP, Ethernet; OS: Installation and configuration (Windows NT), Security)
03-06/2003: Two courses at the Fachhochschule Vorarlberg within the program of universitary character (Lehrgang universitären Characters) IT Network Management: Software Development (Java) (2 semester-hours lecture, 2 semester-hours practice) and Practice Operating Systems (1 semester-hour practice).
10/2003: Course at the Fachhochschule Vorarlberg within the program of universitary character (Lehrgang universitären Characters) IT Network Management: Working with HTML/XML tools (2 semester-hours combined lecture and practice).
Michael Sonntag: Privacy (and other) issues of E-Government in one-stop portals. Wroclaw Summer School on a Legal Framework for Information Society Informatics. 19-21.9.2002, University Wroclaw.
[ppt]Michael Sonntag: Rechtliche und Technische Aspekte des WeLearn-Systems. eLearning und eTeaching. Lehrer-Fortbildungsveranstaltung des Pädagogischen Institutes. 14-15.11.2002, BRG Schloß Wagrein (German)
[Recht-ppt, Handout Recht-pdf, Technik-ppt]
Michael Sonntag: Telearbeit - Eine Untersuchung von Rahmenbedingungen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Telekommunikationsanbindung (Teleworking - A study of the general set-up with special consideration of the telecommunications-connection). Diploma-thesis. Linz: January 1997 (German)
Michael Sonntag: Telearbeit - Eine Chance für die Zukunft (Teleworking - A Chance for the Future). Article in the Wiener Zeitung from 28.12.1997, 12 (German)
Michael Sonntag: Intelligent Agents - Inevitable Tools for Teleworkers. In: Online Collaboration Berlin. Second International Conference on Teleworking, Knowledge Management and Electronic Commerce. Bonn: I.W.H. 1998, 32-34 (ISBN 3-925144-10-2)
[pdf]Michael Sonntag: Untersuchungen zur Personalisierung (Studies in personalization). Public part of a commissioned study, 1998
Michael Sonntag: Teleteaching: From unidirectionalism to multidirectionalism. In: Hofer Susanne, Beneder Manfred (Ed.): IDIMT'99. 7th Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks. Linz: Universitätsverlag Rudolf Trauner 1999, 127-141 (ISBN 3-85487-046-9)
[pdf]Michael Sonntag: Teleteaching and Teamwork - A contradiction?. In: Online Educa Berlin. 5th International Conference on Technology Supported Learning. Bonn: I.W.H. Wie+Wo Verlag 1999, 142-146 (ISBN 3-92514-409-9)
[pdf]Jörg R. Mühlbacher, Michael Sonntag: Teaching Software Engineering and Encouraging Entrepreneurship through E-Commerce. In: Proceedings 2nd International Conference on Innovation Through E-Commerce - IeC99. Manchester, 135ff (ISBN 0-95372-380-1)
(Also as SYSPRO 69/99, September 1999)
Michael Sonntag: Electronic Signatures for Legal Persons. In: Hofer Susanne, Beneder Manfred (Ed.): IDIMT'00. 8th Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks. Linz: Universitätsverlag Rudolf Trauner 2000, 233-256 (ISBN: 3-85487-153-8)
(Also as SYSPRO 72/00, August 2000)
[pdf]Michael Sonntag, Rudolf Hörmanseder: Mobile Agent Security Based on Payment. In: ACM SIG Operating Systems, Operating Systems Review, New York: October 2000, 48-55 (Vol. 34, No. 4) (ISSN 0163-5980)
Michael Sonntag: Improving Communication to Citizens and within Public Administration by Attribute Certificates. In: Maria A. Wimmer (Ed.): Knowledge Management in e-Government. KMGov-2001. 2nd International Workshop jointly organised by IFIP WG 8.3 & 8.5, University of Linz and University of Siena. Linz: Universitätsverlag Rudolf Trauner 2001, 207-217 (ISBN 3-85487-246-1)
[pdf]Jörg R. Mühlbacher, Susanne Reisinger, Michael Sonntag: Intelligent Agents and XML - A method for accessing webportals in both B2C and B2B E-Commerce. In: R. Corchuelo, A. Ruiz, M. Toro (Ed.): Advances in Business Solutions. Salamanca: Catedral Publicaciones Salamanca 2002, 39-44 (ISBN 84-96086-01-1)
[pdf]Michael Sonntag, Susanne Reisinger: Important Factors for E-Commerce. In: Hofer Christian, Chroust Gerhard (Ed.): IDIMT-2001. 9th Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks. Linz: Universitätsverlag Rudolf Trauner 2001, 301-312 (ISBN 3-85487-272-0)
(Also as SYSPRO 75/01, September 2001)
Michael Sonntag: POND - Ein Agentensystem mit Fokus auf Sicherheit und Bezahlung für Leistungen unter Berücksichtigung rechtlicher Aspekte (POND - An agentsystem with focus on security and payment for services with consideration of legal aspects). Dissertation. Linz: January 2002 (German)
[pdf]Michael Sonntag: Legal aspects of mobile agents. With special consideration of the proposed Austrian E-Commerce Law. In: Robert Trappl (Ed.): Cybernetics and Systems 2002. Proc. of the 16th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research. Wien: Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies 2002, 153-158 (ISBN 3-85206-160-1)
[pdf]Michael Sonntag: Elektronische Signaturen. Rechtswirkungen, Haftung von ZDA, sowie Sonderprobleme (Electronic signatures. Legal effects, liability of certification services providers, and special issues). In: Oliver Plöckinger, Dieter Duursma, Günther Helm: Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Internet-Recht. Wien: Neuer Wissenschaftlicher Verlag 2002, 143-163 (ISBN 3-7083-0041-6) (German)
Michael Sonntag: Webbugs - Wanzen im Internet. Vortrag im Rahmen des Internationalen Salzburger Rechtsinformatik Symposions 2002 (22.2.2002) In: Erich Schweighofer, Thomas Menzel, Günther Kreuzbauer (Eds.): IT in Recht und Staat: Aktuelle Fragen der Rechtsinformatik. Wien: Verlag Österreich 2002, 355-362 (ISBN 3-7046-3827-7) (German)
[pps]Michael Sonntag, Jörg R. Mühlbacher, Susanne Reisinger: Personalization of Web-Based Interfaces for Humans and Agents, Applied to E-Government Portals. In: Maria A. Wimmer (Ed.): Knowledge Management in e-Government. KMGov-2002. Linz: Universitätsverlag Rudolf Trauner 2002, 210-222 (ISBN 3-85487-409-x)
(Also as SYSPRO 77/01, December 2001)
[pdf]Michael Sonntag: Engineering for Privacy. Reducing personal information and complying to privacy laws. In: Hofer Christian, Chroust Gerhard (Ed.): IDIMT-2002. 10th Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks. Linz: Universitätsverlag Rudolf Trauner 2002, 205-215 (ISBN 3-85487-424-3)
[pdf]Michael Sonntag, Maria Wimmer: Datenschutzaspekte von e-Government mit besonderem Bezug auf das eGOV-Projekt. In: Sigrid Schubert, Bernd Reusch, Norbert Jesse (Hrsg.): Informatik bewegt. Informatik 2002 - 32. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI). Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik 2002, 462-468 (ISBN 3-88579-348-2) (German)
Michael Sonntag: Cybercrime-Konvention. Störung der Funktionsfähigkeit und widerrechtlicher Zugriff. In: Erich Schweighofer, Thomas Menzel, Günther Kreubauer, Doris Liebwald (Ed.): Zwischen Rechtsheorie und e-Government. Aktuelle Fragen der Rechtsinformatik. Wien: Verlag Österreich 2003, 437-444 (ISBN 3-7046-4091-3) (German)
Michael Sonntag: Online Learning Platforms and E-Government. In: Ferdinand Galindo, Roland Traunmüller (Eds.): E-Government: Legal, Technical and Pedagogical Aspects. Zaragoza, Seminario de Informatica y Derecho 2003, 283-299 (ISBN 84-95480-96-4)
[PDF]Jörg R. Mühlbacher, Michael Sonntag: Roadmaps - Navigational Aids and Tools for Reusing Content in Distance Education. In: András Szücs, Erwin Wagner, Costas Tsolakidis: The Quality Dialogue. Integrating Quality Cultures in Flexible, Distance and eLearning. Proceedings of the 2003 EDEN Annual Conference, Rhodes, 16-18.6.2003, 73-78
(Also as SYSPRO 81/03, June 2003)
[PDF]Michael Sonntag, Maria Wimmer: Legal Aspects of One-Stop Government: The case of applying for a building permission. Accepted for presentation at EGOV 2003, Prag, 1-5.9.2003
Michael Sonntag: Legal Engineering. Accepted for presentation at IDIMT-2003. 11th Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks. Linz: Universitätsverlag Rudolf Trauner 2003, ??? To appear.
Michael Sonntag, Susanne Loidl-Reisinger: Cooperative Agent-Supported Learning with WeLearn. Accepted for presentation at EuroMicro 2003. To appear.
Susanne Loidl-Reisinger, Michael Sonntag: Using metadata in creating offline views of e-learning content. Accepted for presentation at Interactive Computer Aided Learning Workshop, Klagenfurt. To appear.
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Last change: 14 February 2003 (c) 1997 Michael V. Sonntag |